Saturday, October 12, 2013

Heart of India

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go to India as part of my grad school final project. It was a year long project that took us (3 classmates & I) to the heart of India. We were required to conduct extensive research and analyze our findings - a learning opportunity of a lifetime. 

I have to be vague (i know annoying) because I am not sure how much information I can share (confidentiality n what not). The short version is that, I had an amazing experience I got to meet the nicest , kindest people who persevere despite the daily hardship characterizes their lives.

I did not to do any sightseeing which was a big downer - we came to work, and that was exactly what we did;  LOADS of it. Another trip to India looms on the horizon and I figured i'd share these pics to capture how different these two experiences might be. 

2 headed cow

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Photo by Jaimie Shaff (Middle)

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Yup! we showed up in the local newspaper

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Photo by Jaimie Shaff 

Photo by Jaimie Shaff

Photo by Jaimie Shaff


  1. oh my gosh, this was such a beautiful blast from the past! Thanks Wums :) xxx

  2. I know! Can you believe its already been 3 years!


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